Program UI Introduction

  1. DVR program UI
  2. Multiview Client UI

DVR program UI

  1. Video display area.
  2. Channles shortcut buttons and status.
  3. Minimize and close button.
  4. Display mode shortcut selection buttons.
  5. Channles and recording information panel.
  6. PTZ control panel.
  7. User information display panel.
  8. Functions and configuations buttons.
  9. Program version.

Multiview client UI

  1. Video display area.
  2. Server and camera list.
  3. Minimize and close button,green one is the minimize button,red one is the close button.
  4. Replay control panel.
  5. Video channel information.
  6. PTZ control panel.
  7. Display mode shortcut selection buttons.
  8. Functions and configuations buttons.